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Showing posts from April, 2018

Why Blog?

On September 14th 2012 my life changed. This was the day my partner and I discovered I was pregnant. There was no uncertainty or questions as to if it was wanted, our baby was wished for and loved from the second we saw that big fat positive. We were so happy, of course we were also absolutely petrified boarder line shitting ourselves but excited for what lay ahead. Life ceased being just about us, our lives were no longer simply for ourselves, we had a baby to prepare for. Fast forward five and a half years and since then there have been a further two pregnancies. Life is a whirlwind of shitty nappies, snotty noses and much needed date nights laced with copious amounts of alcohol. Parenthood and sobriety do not mix, some days you will literally battle with the urge to day drink! Seriously though I adore my kids and have an indescribable affection for my partner for blessing me with these adorable tiny humans. Not only that but turns out the man is a fantastic Dad.. I shit you no...